Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Virtually Invisible Solution, Visible Results

With innovative SmartForce and SmartTrack technologies and custom-made aligners, you’ll find tooth movement predictable and more comfortable with Invisalign treatment. Knowing more about how the Invisalign System works can help you be more confident in your decision to transform your smile.

Every smile makes a statement and with Invisalign treatment, you can be confident yours will say exactly what you want.
A virtually invisible and hygienic treatment, the Invisalign System uses an innovative approach to effectively straighten your teeth. Invisalign treatment uses our unique SMARTForce Technology to create a series of custom-made removable aligners for you and only you. All you have to do is to wear these aligners, made of a virtually invisible plastic, over your teeth to gradually move them to the ideal position.
Best of all, most people won’t even notice you’re wearing them so you can keep doing what you love. If you’re ready to take the next step, just look for any Invisalign-trained doctor and they can determine whether the treatment plan is suitable for you.